Motivations become clearer in tearing down of “world’s nicest projects”

Nice projects, right?
Nice projects, right?

Remember this story from January about a seemingly unmotivated push by developers to knock down a huge swath of public housing in a sleepy part of town and replace it with “mixed-use” buildings? If you don’t, check out the link first, I’ll wait.

Well, it looks like the incentives for completely transforming this rather calm and park-like housing development are coming into focus.  According to the Sacramento Business Journal, a proposed bridge between Sac and West Sac just got a boost in funding:

A much-discussed bridge between Broadway in Sacramento and the Pioneer Bluff area in West Sacramento got a federal funding boost Wednesday — $1.5 million to help start planning the project.

It becomes clear that if the bridge project progresses, land values along the west end of Broadway will shoot up significantly in value, especially as commercial space. And, as is so often the case, if land values are slated to go up, better get the poor folks off the land before they know what’s going on.

I’m perfectly happy with the idea of the bridge going up, as it will help revitalize the Broadway area, which has always been a land of potential. But displacing people from their homes and not being honest about it seems like the worst, old-fashioned, robber-baron behavior.

3 thoughts on “Motivations become clearer in tearing down of “world’s nicest projects””

  1. Remember when planners stopped calling it the Broadway bridge for awhile, simply to diffuse opposition from nearby neighborhoods? And now its magically a Broadway bridge again.

    Agreed, transparency would be appreciated. Maybe mute Steve Hansen might want to shine some daylight on what’s going on here.


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